“numbers on a calendar”

Today’s episode is very different than the usual ART FOR YOUR EAR. I was supposed to have New York based artist Tara Lewis as my guest, but both of us are sick. Never fear, I’ll have her on next week!  I thought I’d just skip this week altogether, but at the beginning of last week’s episode, I told you I was saving up some super deep and reflective stuff for today, so brace yourself. I have to tell you… I am nervous about hitting PUBLISH. I sat at my computer for ages trying to decide if I really should tell this story or not. It’s not about art, so if you’ve come to hear an interview with an artist, well, you’ll have to come back next week. I decided to tell a very personal story… a story that I’ve never told publicly before. It’s not something I talk about very much… in fact, I try not to think about it very much either. That said, a couple of weeks ago, on February 17th, I put a post up on Instagram, and so many of the responses gave me chills. This short, very personal episode is the result. Thank you for listening, and if you don’t want to listen, that’s okay too. Click play under that big bouquet of apologies, or you can subscribe to the podcast right here.

comments (17)

  1. Lyn /// 02.29.2020 /// 8:09am

    That was God.

  2. the jealous curator /// 02.29.2020 /// 8:23am


  3. Sam /// 02.29.2020 /// 8:23am

    Women are so bloody strong. You are brilliant.

  4. Monica Bennett /// 02.29.2020 /// 9:28am

    Thank you for being brave enough to share. Your words, and all those of other women who have shared their life experiences, shine as a beacon for women still trapped, still abused, still wondering if they can save themselves (and maybe their children). May they find the way to freedom. Thank you.

  5. Cynthia Barnes /// 02.29.2020 /// 11:50am

    I just listened and I’m sobbing. for you, for me and for everyone else with their own stories. Thank you for your bravery.

  6. Kim Porter /// 02.29.2020 /// 11:52am

    Thank you, Danielle. Women need to share their stories (whatever they may be) so we know we are not alone. I just found your blog about a month ago, but it has been become what I listen to while working in my studio…so inspiring and joyful. I went back and started with episode one (binge listening!), but when I saw your post about today’s episode, I had to skip ahead. Powerful. You have created a wonderful community of artists.

  7. Cecelia Price /// 02.29.2020 /// 3:56pm

    I was lucky enough to leave before he got to the point of hitting me. I could see where it was going. After 4 years of being together it was hard to leave. And also without a stockpile of money I couldn’t afford my own place. I was completely reliant on him at this point in time.
    So the idea came to me that I mine as well sign up for another college program, get loans and move far away. And I did that. I never look back.

    Thank you for sharing your story. You are going to save at least one life.

  8. the jealous curator /// 02.29.2020 /// 5:37pm

    thanks for listening you guys… i felt a bit sick to my stomach when i hit PUBLISH, but i also couldn’t not hit it. if it helps one person, it will be worth it.

  9. Pat /// 03.01.2020 /// 12:08am

    I want to thank for sharing this painful story! I also came from an abusive relationship a long time ago. You sharing your story wil help others in many ways. Thank you again!

  10. the jealous curator /// 03.01.2020 /// 7:37am


  11. Paul /// 03.02.2020 /// 9:56am

    Hi Danielle, I’ve followed your blog since you started it many moons ago, but have never listened to your podcast before, for whatever reason. I was compelled to listen to your story today. Wow. Thank you for sharing. You have truly risen from that experience. Truly inspiring, the work that you do and the way that you help others.

  12. Elyse Dodge /// 03.02.2020 /// 8:24pm

    December 2010. Not that my story was the same as yours it still took me a long time to recover from. Thank you so much for sharing Danielle, that takes so much courage. You are amazing. I think you need to do a collage of your inner critic with duck tape over its mouth!

  13. Bradford /// 03.03.2020 /// 5:21pm

    Amazing. You. This episode. Grace. Thank you for sharing, Danielle. So. Much. xoxo B

  14. the jealous curator /// 03.03.2020 /// 8:47pm

    thanks bradford xo

  15. Lisa Riedl /// 03.05.2020 /// 10:07am

    Danielle, you are brave, you are strong and you are wonderfully made!
    Thank you for sharing your story

  16. Clare /// 03.17.2020 /// 8:49am

    I remember my day so clearly too! I left so fast and was shaking as I quickly, with friends over for safety, packed up all my stuff. I could not believe it happened to me, I was so humiliated. It means so much to hear your story, Danielle!

  17. the jealous curator /// 03.17.2020 /// 10:28am

    xoxo. it happens to so many of us.

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