katherine brown

Sigh. Beauty in the wake of natural disaster. This is the work of Rochester, NY based painter Katherine Brown. I’m going to let her do the talking, because this blurb from Katherine’s site covers everything beautifully:

“I am a collector of objects and things and have always been a treasure hunter. I have always had little containers filled with small objects and am also the person who will dig through a deep bin at a garage sale to find a treasure or interesting object at the bottom. I love flea markets, antique shows, old photographs, and objects that have a story, or can tell a story. I have always written a history for objects in my head, whose hands have touched them, and the journey the object has taken to get to me. I am currently working on a series (Washed Ashore Collection) of objects found on the beach, inspired by my time living in a beach house on Duxbury Beach in Massachusetts during a very rough winter (Winter Storm Nemo and Hurricane Sandy blew through during my stay). The objects found on the beach that year ranged from vintage fishing lures, to watch faces, to skeleton keys, and finding these objects sparked so much wonder from me, so naturally they have become the inspiration for so much of my current work.”

See? Lovely.

comments (2)

  1. Sarah! /// 11.28.2019 /// 10:37am

    Really nice!

  2. katherine brown | Best ArtWork /// 11.28.2019 /// 4:38pm

    […] Original source: https://www.thejealouscurator.com/blog/2019/11/28/katherine-brown/ […]

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