“too old, too young, too busy”

Yep, “I’m too old / too young / too busy”… that’s just one of the bits of bullshit we’ll be discussing during the very first installment of “Pennylane Calls Bullshit”. If you know artist consultant/magical guide Pennylane Shen, you’ll know she’s a smart, funny, straight shootin’ kind of gal. She’s here to call out some of the excuses, or lies, artists tend to tell themselves. Oh, and we’re also going to talk about TV because that’s just what we do when we’re together. You can listen right up there under Pennylane in the studio of Marlene Lowden {wearing a shirt by Art Girl Rising, while holding … wait… oh, would you look at that … it’s my book!} –  or subscribe on iTunes.

First, Pennylane looks at A LOT of art, and I love the pictures of her looking at that art:

Oh look, there’s Jamie Smith from Thrive too! See, they both love art so much that they jump around it in whenever they can.

Up next, a tiny peek at Pennylane in action. Enter Dazed & Confucius:

Okay, this is just in here to make sure you have her contact info in case you want to do a consultation with her! She has quite a waiting list, so get on it ASAP if you’re interested.

Aaah, yes… more art. Here are the three artists Penny mentioned she was loving these days:

Malaysian artist Sheena Liam, aka TimesNewRomance. You might recognize these images because they’re from a post I wrote about Sheena the second Pennylane sent me a link to her work. Gorgeous!

Next, Korean artist Lee Jin Ju:

Gah! Ridiculously good.

And finally, Canadian artist Marigold Santos:

See? Pennylane has amazing taste… in both art AND TV!

Haha! I couldn’t resist. Thank you so much to Pennylane for calling allllll of the bullshit – both the little pellets and the big steamers! Thanks to both Thrive {check out Mastermind} and Create Magazine {submit before Dec 2} for supporting this episode. Thank you to my Charlie for showing up and talking about Roy Lichtenstein’s artwork, “In The Car” … although we may retitle it “Leroy kidnaps Janet” … and of course, as always, thank you so much for listening. ~ Danielle

Other Links:

  1. Pennylane on Instagram
  2. Ben Skinner: Artist
  3. Creative Block: Book
  4. Penny’s Framing/Hanging Seminar via Dazed & Confucius
  5. Amelie: Movie
  6. The Good Place: TV
  7. Lodge 49: TV
  8. Mindhunter: TV
  9. True Detective: TV
  10. Sharp Objects: TV
  11. Handmaid’s Tale: Yes, more TV
  12. Thrive Mastermind Program
  13. createmagazine.com/callforart {This is the right link – I said it wrong in the intro!}


comments (17)

  1. Anne Pearce /// 11.16.2019 /// 11:31am

    Such an inspiring podcast full of informative pointers! Brilliant. Thank you.

  2. Justine Formentelli /// 11.17.2019 /// 7:47am

    Loved listening to this podcast this am during a long run.
    Relieved to hear about Penny Lane’s take on frames. About to have an exhibition of works on paper that will go in white floating frames (I hesitated and decided to not go for black frames.) phew!!

  3. Andrea Sinclair /// 11.17.2019 /// 4:16pm

    Hey Danielle, what a ride today. I will make a cup of tea and go straight back out to the studio to listen to it again. Pennylane is a real gem and I am relieved that now I can quit framing all my work and stop making excuses! $ saved and $ earned. Also, so many butt-kicking tips. Ahh, so good.

  4. the jealous curator /// 11.18.2019 /// 9:46am

    isn’t she great?! so blunt, so hilarious, so SMART!

  5. Beth Guipe Hall /// 11.18.2019 /// 2:39pm

    Again, another amazing podcast. I listened on my way to school/work.
    Right before I pulled into the parking lot, I couldn’t get the phrase “soup to nuts” out of my head and then, zap, the title for your next book came to me, “From Pellet to Steamer, a Compendium of Art Bullshit Flushed Clean Away”, Danielle Krysa and Pennylane Shen…..oh yeah, its a collaboration:).

  6. the jealous curator /// 11.18.2019 /// 9:50pm

    hahahaha! look out new york times best seller list, here we come (bring tp)

  7. Tracey-Lea Morgan /// 11.19.2019 /// 5:50pm

    the most challenging thing for me IS the story, the big steaming pile of story – I desperately want to develop paintings with a deeper meaning but find this more challenging than the actual creating. Would love some tips on this.
    Loved this podcast (and all the others I’m making my way through) thank you !

  8. the jealous curator /// 11.20.2019 /// 8:21am

    hi tracey-lea … for me, that means sitting down and just writing everything in my head. just let it flow. don’t worry about what will sell, just write down your personal stories. is it memories of a family member, or a time in your life that stands out? maybe it’s a place you’ve been that took your breath away. maybe your life is busy and crazy and that’s your current narrative. fine… write it all down. some will resonate, some will feel forced. when you hit on something that feels good, start there. this won’t happen in an afternoon, but keep practicing it. keep a notebook by your bed or in your purse, and jot down the things that jump out. you’ll find the meaning in there (somewhere). ; )

  9. James Reed /// 11.21.2019 /// 7:56pm

    This was really great! For me, trying not to sprint is a big thing and so Pennylane’s comment along those lines really resonated. I like, too, how there was a focus on both the micro and the macro issues–pellets and steamers!! Haha. That’s something else I have to be conscientious of: to keep–or at least try to–both of those frames of reference in view at once. Thanks Danielle for eventually letting Pennylane into your home and onto your podcast! Many many thanks. Very grateful.

  10. Michael Joyal /// 11.26.2019 /// 10:23am

    The Good Place is so amazing! How can such a smart show exist! We binged the first three seasons in a month. It’s grueling waiting a week for each new one on regular TV. Now we have to wait until January for the next one!

  11. peter senesac /// 11.28.2019 /// 11:15am

    Hi. I loved the pod cast. Just found you a few days ago and started with the most recent and then this one. Looking forwar to getting through them all. The “list” and writing it down came up a couple of times and I’m not sure what that means. I’d there an episode that explains it? Thanks for make the effort to make a podcast.

  12. the jealous curator /// 11.28.2019 /// 8:53pm

    hi peter! in the intro of the latest episode, with martha rich, I talk about making a list for your visual vocabulary.

  13. ‪圓宵節快樂!‬ – ocean calligraphy /// 02.08.2020 /// 8:36pm

    […] listing to Pennylane Shen on The Jealous Curator podcast, I’ve learned to do away with the watermarks. When I did use a watermark of some sort, I […]

  14. Bryn Migliore /// 10.09.2020 /// 3:38pm


    I’ve been listening to your podcasts over the past few weeks whilst attending to my “mom duties” and not quite feeling ready to make art again after my father passing away this past May, in the midst of a divorce, taking care of a home, alone in a foreign country away from family and single mom to three kids. Not in any particular order, just randomly and I feel like you are helping to bring to the surface so many memories, questions, thoughts, fears, curiosities, life shit, and just everything…… this episode really helped to validate that even though I’m not “creating” in these moments, they are still pieces to the bigger puzzle and your podcasts are helping me to put back the pieces of my life together and give me the energy and motivation to keep on keeping on and to not give up on my dreams. Please keep them coming!!! They are so inspirational, amazing, and when I’m listening I feel like I’m sitting in a living room just hanging out and feeling so at home in my skin. Can’t wait to listen again tomorrow!!! Thank you thank you Thankyou! So full of gratitude to have found your podcasts!!


  15. Bryn Migliore /// 10.09.2020 /// 3:40pm

    Oh yeah… and please tell Pennylane I LOVe the t-shirt she’s rocking’, my youngest daughter’s name is Artemisia.

  16. Bryn Migliore /// 10.09.2020 /// 3:40pm

    Oh yeah… and please tell Pennylane I LOVe the t-shirt she’s rocking’, my youngest daughter’s name is Artemisia.

  17. the jealous curator /// 10.10.2020 /// 8:31am

    wow! beautiful name… and ART is right in there!

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