Sigh. I love everything she does, every time she does it. These are a few of the most recent oil paintings by Toronto based artist Jen Mann… and you can see them at Gallery Jones in Vancouver starting TONIGHT! Her new show, titled METONYMY, opens tonight, Thursday November 7th, at 5pm. Here is the gallery’s description of this must-see show:
“Jen’s first solo exhibition at Gallery Jones, is diving deep into the culture of celebrity, social media and constructed personas. Through a variety of media (film, sculpture and primarily painting), Mann employs the masking tools available in this hyper-selfconscious age to question perception and ideas of identity. With herself as the subject, obfuscated by luminescent layers of distraction such as glossy wigs, theatrical make-up and the text of magazine covers, in METONYMY Mann challenges our definition of real as it relates to the self.” November 7, 2019 ~ December 4, 2019
Jen will be there, and you should be too. GO!
ps. Ooooh, last minute addition to the post, because these photos just arrived in my inbox … a sneak peek of the install:
Oh. My. Word. Those magazine paintings have spines on the side! And that GIGANTIC diptych? I have no words, just these … ♥ ♥ ♥
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