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This is flying around the internet at the moment… and rightly so! Candy-pink seesaws have just been installed at the US / Mexico border, inviting children from both countries to play with each other… yes, yes, YES! This is the beautiful, and incredibly powerful, work of Oakland based architects Ronald Rael and his partner Virginia San Fratello. Here are the words from Ronald’s Instagram post from two days ago:
“One of the most incredible experiences of my and @vasfsf’s career bringing to life the conceptual drawings of the Teetertotter Wall from 2009 in an event filled with joy, excitement, and togetherness at the borderwall. The wall became a literal fulcrum for U.S. – Mexico relations and children and adults were connected in meaningful ways on both sides with the recognition that the actions that take place on one side have a direct consequence on the other side. Amazing thanks to everyone who made this event possible like Omar Rios @colectivo.chopeke for collaborating with us, the guys at Taller Herrería in #CiudadJuarez for their fine craftsmanship, @anateresafernandez for encouragement and support, and everyone who showed up on both sides including the beautiful families from Colonia Anapra, and @kerrydoyle2010, @kateggreen , @ersela_kripa , @stphn_mllr ,
@wakawaffles, Chris Gauthier and many others (you know who you are). #raelsanfratello #borderwallasarchitecture “
Beautiful. In every way.

Making human connections, I believe the only way. Thank you for publishing this.
…what a wonderful idea!
Altough I’d perfer no wall at all.
This is so smart and playful and strong in so many ways. Love it!
This is so awsome bringing to countries together like that great job for thinking outside the box .love it if we could just get rid of the wall that would even better but this is a start
Breaking Barriers…. wonderful
Breaking Barriers
love, love, love
This is daring, inspiring and magnificent!
How about clip in ladder rungs? Or cans of spray paint? Or solar led lights? WoW! the ideas could be endless
This makes me teary with both hope and sadness.
me too