john tierney

Ahhh, Los Angeles. Sunny skies, palm trees, and freeways. These oil paintings are the work of British painter John Tierney. He lives and works in the UK, but his muse is LA… clearly.

“John Tierney lives in Durham City in the north east of England. He is a regular visitor to Los Angeles and most of his work takes as its subject matter the urban landscape of the city – the light in LA being of particular importance. Furthermore, the architecture of LA is, to put it mildly, seductively eclectic, taking in old and new iconic buildings and a whole range of small-scale, quirky establishments. 

Working in oils, the basic aim is quite straightforward: to create paintings that provide a strong sense of place, a feeling of what it is like to be there. He visits these various locations as, in a sense, an ‘outside’ observer, one who is fascinated by the differences between them and the urban and rural landscapes of the UK.”

John’s latest show, titled “Postcards from LA”, will be opening in – you guessed it – LA! Stop by Maddox Gallery {8811 Beverly Boulevard West Hollywood} one week from tomorrow: FRIDAY June 28th.

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  1. Somewhere, John Tierney (because) – This isn't happiness /// 06.20.2019 /// 2:37am

    […] Somewhere, John Tierney (because) […]

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