Ooooh, aaaaahhhh… the shapes, the palettes, the brushstrokes! This is the nature-inspired work of Vancouver based artist Amy Stewart… and I had to throw that last image in so you could see the scale. So lovely. Speaking of lovely, here are a few words from Amy’s site about her work:
“[Amy’s] pieces are often inspired by the feelings that come both from the natural world and from engaging fully in her community and with her loved ones. “I paint how I feel and who I am,” Stewart explains. And that sense of humanity—the private experiences of suffering and celebration—are evoked by her canvases’ unique explorations of colour, which range from exuberant bursts of brightness to contemplative reflections on darkness.”
“I paint how I feel and who I am.” Love.
I love Amy’s art!
Beautiful work…and here is an example of an artist who constantly explores and moves her ideas to fruition.