Big, beautiful, woven CERAMICS. Oh my word. This is the absolutely stunning work of Dutch artist Cecil Kemperink. Elegant ceramic rings, in quiet colors, interconnecting to create a little bit of poetry…
“Her sculptures are connections between her varied passions: textile, clay, dance, fashion and sculpture. Kemperink works intuitively. The sculpture grows in her hands. The manual process of connecting the circles gives rise to an attentive, and labor-intensive process. Her sculptures have many appearances. They are more than 3 dimensional; you can also change the form, hear the sound and experience the feeling when you touch the work.”
I want to touch them, pick them up, and carry them around just like Cecil! Happy Monday.

Ok, the level of skill and detail is insane!! beyond beautiful
right?! i can’t stop staring.
amazing work .. x
masterpiece. very really good