sara e. farrington

Let me answer that question for you … PAPER. Yes, this PAPER installation, titled “Model Home” is the work of American artist Sara E. Farrington. It is absolutely stunning – from the overall effect to her craftsmanship. But wait, it gets better:

“Model Home” is an installation of staged domestic space using heavyweight drawing paper to create everything from furniture and light switches to electrical outlets, rugs, picture frames and baseboards. Every piece is the same color, off-white.  The overwhelming amount of this color from floor to ceiling creates a sense of sterility, conformity, blankness, a clean or erased slate. The model home is a reference and a metaphor for the American ideal, the perfect domestic space marketed specifically for status, an unattainable goal for many. Rooted in a strong foundation in traditional drawing, this work expands the definition of drawing beyond the two-dimensional picture plane and into three-dimensional space, where the space functions as image rather than reality, much like the model home. Both the installation and model homes are staged to appeal to many; a space onto which one can project their desires. The “American Dream” of getting married, owning your own home and having 2.5 children and a dog becomes a failed promise due to economic insecurities. This installation embodies this empty promise.

Beautiful and brilliant.

comments (7)

  1. Sabine aus WO(rms) /// 04.04.2019 /// 12:08am

    many ♡ ly greetings sent by
    Sabine from WO(rms) in Germany

  2. Cathie Lawler /// 04.06.2019 /// 5:15am

    Just incredible! I love this installation and the artist statement. I showed this to my 12 year old son and he couldn’t believe it was paper!

  3. the jealous curator /// 04.06.2019 /// 1:04pm

    i know, right!?

  4. Sonal /// 04.06.2019 /// 11:06pm

    Sooooo good!

  5. Sara Farrington /// 04.07.2019 /// 12:18pm

    Thank you everyone! I teach art to elementary students and they are so funny when I show them pictures. SOOO many questions!

  6. Jaynie Crimmins /// 04.07.2019 /// 7:09pm

    Wow! This work is truly amazing. thanks for the introduction Danielle.

  7. Sharmon Davidson /// 04.18.2019 /// 7:03pm

    NO WAY!