Oh my word! This is the latest work by Canadian (currently based in Amsterdam) artist Jessica Bell. I’ve been a fan of Jessica’s work for years, and when I saw these floor quilts, well, this post started writing itself! Here is a description about this work:
Forty Days and Forty Nights (Making the bed) (2018) / Jessica Bell presents, on the floor, an enormous quilt made entirely by hand. Laborious and careful at the same time, it consists of 40 patchworks of muslin fabric meticulously dyed and painted, one by one, at the artist’s home. Using a traditional quilt design — Drunkard’s Path — and through means of repetition, Bell constructs, deconstructs and reconstructs her painting gestures into a plethora of pictorial surfaces that behave like sculpture. The distinct forms of each piece converge into abstract patterns subjected to manipulation and transformation and are only temporarily assembled for the moment of the exhibition. In anticipation of possible iterations, the quilt remains formally and physically tangible: manageable, flexible and moreover fragile.
Sigh. Beautiful. Happy Monday.