ben skinner

Oh, Vancouver based artist Ben Skinner. One of my favorite artists, ever. In fact, on February 22, 2009, I wrote my first post on The Jealous Curator and, yes, it was about Ben. Well, here we are TEN YEARS LATER (!?), so I thought it was only fitting to write about him again. He’s the king of materials, and his brain is filled with the most wonderful words… and the manipulation of those words. “ALL OF MY HEROES ARE WOMEN” is a stunning infinity mirror piece Ben created for a show I curated (in honor of Gord Downey, the lead singer / songwriter of The Tragically Hip) in the summer of 2017. For obvious reasons, I love this piece more than I can explain.

So, ten years. Thank you for coming on this decade-long ride with me! When I wrote that first post (while my two year old was napping), I never could’ve predicted what this site would grow into. Books, a podcast, workshops, etc – yes – but more importantly, all of you. All I ever wanted was a community of like-minded people who “got” what it was like to be an artist – the blocks, the golden zone, the thrill of walking into an art supply store, the frustration of rejection, the pure joy that comes from creating something that wouldn’t have existed without you. Because of this journey, I’ve made lifelong friends, and I’m making art again… and actually showing it to people! I’ve never been happier as an artist than I am at this moment, and that has so much to do with you. Thank you. Here’s to many more years of creative adventures! ~ Danielle xo

comments (7)

  1. Ben Skinner – This isn't happiness /// 02.22.2019 /// 1:28am

    […] Ben Skinner […]

  2. Jocelyn /// 02.22.2019 /// 9:17am

    Thank YOU Danielle, honorary faerie-art-mother to so many and generous ringleader of pure creative fun and possibility. Cheers to you and many more decades

  3. Kirstin /// 02.22.2019 /// 10:32am

    Cheers to you indeed! Congratulations on this milestone! We are grateful for you! XOXO

  4. Michael /// 02.22.2019 /// 2:24pm

    Congratulations on this incredible journey and all you have achieved. Thank you for the inspiration, the community and everything you have done to raise the voices of creative women in the world. Looking forward to the next ten years of creative fun!!

  5. Marissa Huber /// 02.22.2019 /// 2:33pm

    A decade of hope for others, and sharing your own journey so vulnerably that it inspired an entire movement. Chills from this first post. and THANK YOU for all of your hard work. <3

  6. the jealous curator /// 02.22.2019 /// 6:07pm

    thanks, everyone : )

  7. Laura Larson /// 02.23.2019 /// 7:58am

    Thank you for all the great art you share with us! I look forward to your weekly post each Saturday for inspiration.

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