lucy pass

Ah, “Lovers’ Eyes”. These modern takes on a classic are the lovely work of UK based artist Lucy Pass. From what I can gather, she doesn’t know any of these lovers, or their eyes. Nope, Lucy uses found images as the starting point for all of her work, “passing [her] own subconscious judgement onto an unknown face, and inviting the viewer to do the same.” Well, we may not know who these dreamy eyes belong to, but to explain the origin of “lovers’ eyes”, I’ll pass it over to good old Wikipedia:

Eye miniatures are believed to have originated when the Prince of Wales (later George IV) felt the need to send the widow Maria Fitzherbert a token of his love. This gesture and the romance that went with it was frowned upon by the court, so a miniaturist was employed to paint only the eye and thereby preserve anonymity and decorum. Reportedly Maria’s eye miniature was worn by George IV, hidden under his lapel. This is regarded as the event which led to lovers’ eyes becoming fashionable, appearing between 1790 and the 1820s in the courts and affluent families of England, Russia, France and more rarely, America.

comments (3)

  1. Eye for an eye, Lucy Pass (because) – This isn't happiness /// 01.17.2019 /// 12:56pm

    […] Eye for an eye, Lucy Pass (because) […]

  2. Amy Tingle /// 01.20.2019 /// 7:25am

    So fascinating. I’ve never heard of these but I am intrigued by the concept and her interpretation. I want to hide a lover’s eye under my lapel. (. . . Runs off to take photos of wife’s eye . . .)

  3. the jealous curator /// 01.20.2019 /// 8:43pm

    ha! love it xo