veronica hodges

Gasp! 16,000 paper cherry blossoms hanging from the gorgeous, light-filled, domed ceiling of Frederik’s Church {affectionately known as The Marble Church} in Copenhagen… oh my word, yes. “Cherish” is the installation work of Danish artist Veronica Hodges. Clearly, it’s breathtaking, but her reason behind the project is just as beautiful:

“We want to create an installation in Marmorkirken out of paper, where thousands of pink cherry blossoms will be hanging from the ceiling to remind us of the spring we love, the world we live in, and to cherish it while we still have it. The thousands of cherry blossoms are folded by crepe paper, during a series of workshops and “community-workshops” in collaboration with the church and local institutions and schools. This ensures that the project has a local anchorage so that people will meet and start a conversation. Commitment free perhaps, but carried by the intimacy and engagement that occurs when you sit down with something (other than the mobile phone) between your hands. We want to mix the cards, the generations, the children and the adults, the believers and the non-believers. The cherry blossoms in the installation remind us of, that we are a part of nature and that it may not be so for very long, if we as humans do nothing to slow down the climate change and help the earth to regain its balance. We must appreciate the earth we still have.”


{All of these images were found on Veronica’s gorgeous Instagram feed – some photos were taken by her, others were taken by visitors to the installation.}

comments (3)

  1. Houses of the Holy, Veronica Hodges – This isn't happiness /// 01.16.2019 /// 4:51am

    […] Houses of the Holy, Veronica Hodges […]

  2. Amy Tingle /// 01.20.2019 /// 7:30am

    WOW WOW WOW. Everything. The gorgeous paper flowers, the installation, THAT church! We are working on a festival of hope and optimism in our town coming this spring and I just passed this on to the committee working on an installation piece because HOLY INSPIRING.

  3. the jealous curator /// 01.20.2019 /// 8:42pm


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