sarah bednarek

Your “ChiChi DooDad” is showing. Well actually, American artist Sarah Bednarek’sChiChi DooDad” is showing at Tiger Strikes Asteroid {New York} until November 18, 2018! Here is their description of Sarah’s gorgeous, weird, and beautifully made work:

“For Sarah Bednarek, geometry and math directly reference the body and environment. She describes geometry as a tool to rationalize and calculate the world around us. Math of the everyday is messy. The eye measures distances in approximations, ordinary objects have dents and dings. Her works nod to this sort of fuzziness. They are human scale, roughly the size of the body, head, chest, genitalia and legs. This encourages her viewers to empathize with her sculptures as individuals. As we look, we might see a gaping mouth ready to scream, eat, vomit, or kiss. A figure may reveal itself in the midst of a gesture – maybe a wave or raising a hand in surrender. Are they covered in muscle? Tumors? Jewelry?”

I see singing. Happy Monday.

comments (1)

  1. sarah bednarek – Broadcast /// 11.05.2018 /// 8:54am

    […] Original source: […]

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