It’s moments like these that I have to remind myself not to touch, and or lick, paintings. Both are very frowned upon, but in this situation, can you blame me!? These oil paintings are the work of London based artist Dragica Carlin, and I love them…. I also love her artist statement. Here’s just a little snippet:
“… Mixing the paint is an intuition. In my work, it is not possible to predict how colours would relate to one another, sometimes the most extreme hues balance with the movement of my brush, and at other times, they shout at each other. My process is intense. It requires the equilibrium of my physical togetherness, independence on my mind and openness of my soul. … The speed of my brush and the hues that I use create the painting. Every brushstroke that I apply onto the canvas and every swirl in combination with another, or in relation to the space around, is suggestive to another relationship or possibility. So, in painting, everything co-exists in relation to another element. The main agenda is always light. The light captured in the painting is the soul of the painting, and the movement of my brush determines its personality. I am constantly astonished by how a single movement of the brush can change the energy of the entire painting, and how the touch of paint on the canvas can produce something so complex as swirl, in a single moment.”
But that’s not all! I have to show you the SCALE:
Gor. Ge. Ous.
ps. all of these scale images were found on Dragica’s Instagram feed, and her work can be purchased via Saatchi Art.

I love the movement in these! Kind of remind me of jellyfish floating in water or platelets in a vessel. It almost feels as though one part is about to collide with another and nudge itself into that space.