cj hendry
Um, WHAT? Yeah. Drawings. DRAWINGS. I have written about the insane work of Australian artist CJ Hendry before {ink drawings of food}, but these juicy blobs of paint? Do you know how I feel about thick, lush, colorful blobs of paint? I LOVE THEM. I use them in my own work… but not like this! I am in awe. And in love. Awestruck love. Sigh.

Long time lurker, first time commenter. Whoa. Amazing.
love this!
these are insane. and I want to eat them 🙂
ouch my brain
Wow! I want to touch them:)
[…] via the jealous curator […]
I’m amazed at the depth of color she gets from pencils on those large drawings … are those pastel pencils? Watercolor? Plain ole pencils?
i think they’re probably magic pencil crayons … it’s the only explanation ; )