danielle cole

Yes, yes, yes to all of this! These pieces are part of a new series by Canadian collage artist Danielle Cole. I was already totally in, then I read this chunk of her artist statement and I knew this Danielle and I shared more than just our first name:

“Michelangelo said of his art ‘every block of stone has a statue inside and it is the task of the sculpture to discover it.’ This quote holds true for the construction of all my handmade collage and mixed media work. Sorting through hundreds of images until the magical moment when you get to say: that vacuum belongs in that dinosaur’s hand.”  

Ahhh yes, a woman after my own collage-loving heart. Danielle has a show opening next Thursday, September 14th {till Sept 24th}, at Unloveable Gallery in Toronto. It’s titled “Course of an Empire” and features all of these fabulous cars and legs. Go!

comments (1)

  1. sue mcarthur /// 09.07.2017 /// 1:16pm

    love this

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