ellen von wiegand

Ahhh, yes. I love linocut prints oh so very much… enter the elegant work of UK based artist Ellen Von Wiegand. I am completely smitten with her color choices, her lovely lines, and her very precise registration {fyi: I minored in printmaking and loved linocuts, but my registration did NOT look like this.} I love getting a sneak peek into an artist’s process… doesn’t seeing those chunks of lino, scraped and carved away make you marvel at those gorgeous final works even more? {although, I have to admit, I’d totally hang a few of those lino ladies on my wall too!}

ps. Ellen has some of these original prints available on her site.

comments (3)

  1. Maria Ho /// 09.05.2017 /// 6:27am

    Very tempting to get one!

  2. the jealous curator /// 09.05.2017 /// 8:04am


  3. Miranda /// 09.06.2017 /// 12:47am

    Always been a fan of printmaking!! I’ve tried carving and it is not easy! These are beautiful. Love the ladies and colors, too.

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