victoria reichelt

Oil paintings. What!? Yes. This is the very analog work of Australian artist Victoria Reichelt, and all of these pieces are part of her latest show, titled Precipice, that opens on June 1st at This Is No Fantasy Gallery in Melbourne {runs until June 24th}. Why hundreds of little stickers and tiny erasers you ask? Well that takes us back to the whole analog thing …

“For this exhibition Reichelt takes ordinary objects and office stationery, strips them of their context and presents them in a fresh tableaux. These items, which were at one time essential to rational organization and workplace efficiencies, are facing redundancy as we turn our backs more and more on the analogue, in favor of the digital.”

Go if you can! In person. Not online ; )

comments (2)

  1. Beth McBride /// 05.24.2017 /// 6:04am

    Oh my goodness! I want that pile of erasers. My inner child is flipping out.

  2. the jealous curator /// 05.24.2017 /// 7:51am

    SAME! i can almost smell them from here!