xuan chen


Damn. I wish I thought of that. Today marks the 8 year anniversary of ‘The Jealous Curator”, so what better way to celebrate than with gorgeous art that takes my breath away. These pieces are from a series by China born, USA based artist Xuan Chen, titled “Light Threads”YES! Colorful thread that looks like magical shafts of light cutting its way through neon geometric shapes on aluminum panel. So. Good. That thread is the kind o’ thing that makes me want to write posts for 8 more years! Love.

comments (4)

  1. Sabine S. from Germany /// 02.22.2017 /// 3:33am

    Since I know your blog I don´t wanna miss it! And wanna have it a loooong time more;)
    many ♡ ly greetings sent by
    Sabine from WO(rms) in Germany

  2. Yvonne /// 02.22.2017 /// 4:18am

    8 years, wow… Congratulations! I’ve been following for about five or six of those, I think. Always a pleasure. Here’s to 8 more! 🙂

  3. Nikkie /// 02.25.2017 /// 9:12am

    CONGRATS JEALOUS CURATOR FOR 8 GR8 YEARS OF ART! I LOVE looking at all this art because of you! I just bought your new book on Amazon the other day too! Thanks for being an inspiration on many levels!

  4. mela.art /// 02.26.2017 /// 9:23am

    Happy TJC 8th Birthday!!! You both deserve tons of happiness and successes served in a Gigantic Cup of Ice Cream!!! For sure, Greg will prefer a Huge Jar of Nutella!!! Big hugs for both!

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