andrea hooge


I am totally in love, and a tiny bit scared. These pieces, from a series titled “Dolly”, are the work of Vancouver based artist Andrea Hooge. Oil, ink, and handmade scratchboard on wooden cutout. Wooden cutout! That means I could have one of these weird ‘n wonderful doll heads floating on my wall! {I’m wondering if this has something to do with my “Cabbage Patch” obsession as a kid? Hm.}

* Some of her latest work, a show titled “Toy Babies”, will be showing in Vancouver at Hot Art Wet City in February… Feb 3 ~ 25th 2017

comments (2)

  1. Tristesse Seeliger /// 12.15.2016 /// 2:47pm

    YES Andrea Hooge’s work is amazing. So glad to call her a studio mate. Have you seen the cat paintings – cats wearing flannel!

  2. Nikkie /// 12.17.2016 /// 11:33am

    i love these dollies. they are so darned neat! beautifully rendered in a unique process! wow!