“pastels, perfection and prince”


Prince, snake soup, drawing for nuns, and a handful of bleeps… yep, he does amazing things with oil pastels, and tells some pretty hilarious stories! I met Terrence Payne in 2012 when I was in Minneapolis for Girl Crush. Jennifer Davis was my co-host for that workshop, and it was held at SooVAC, a gorgeous gallery run by an amazing woman named Carolyn Payne… who happens to be Terrance’s wife! A small little world filled with talented, artsy people. Anywho, I got the chance to see Terrence “coloring” on some reallllly big pieces of paper while I was there, and I was an instant fan! Ok, let’s go look… you can listen right up there, or you can subscribe on iTunes.

First up, his ornate yet ‘no one in particular’ figure pieces:


Ah! Those patterns, that detail, the color… how is that oil pastel!?

Next, TEXT. Oh, I love Terrence’s text pieces very, very, very much:


BOOM, indeed. Again… oil pastel?!

Oh, and here are the big beautiful bears we were talking about. I saw Terrence “coloring” this one in person when I was in Minneapolis way back in 2012, and it has to be one of my favorites:


I wish I could show you the scale (it’s 66″x 66″) because this does not do this piece justice.

Up next we were talking about “Drift”,  his two-man show with John Diebel. It’s showing at Rosalux Gallery right this very minute:


Gor. Ge. Ous. And then of course, there’s the snake ball that led us off on quite the crazy tangent. Here it is in progress, and finished:


Beautiful… but also, ew. I really hate snakes.

And finally, Terrence’s loyal studio mates:


Aw! I’d want to be home hanging out with them too! Thanks to Terrence “Cabbage Patch” Payne for taking the time to do this with me; thanks to Saatchi Art for supporting this episode; thanks to audible.com for making my new book into an audio book! To preorder a copy for FREE {or to pick up any other book you might want} just use my link: audibletrial.com/JealousCurator. And as always… thank YOU for listening! There will be more art for your ear next weekend.

Other links:

  1. Jennifer Davis 
  2. Girl Crush Minneapolis 2012
  3. John Diebel
  4. Rosalux Gallery Open Call – Submission deadline is October 31st


comments (10)

  1. Julie /// 10.09.2016 /// 2:07am

    Very cool work! And the fact that its oil pastels makes it even cooler!!

    (I used to draw Garfield for kids in school!!)

  2. Amelia McSweeny /// 10.09.2016 /// 5:13am

    This art rocks my world! Amazing!

  3. Jan Little /// 10.09.2016 /// 10:25am

    Great episode! Loved the stories and I resonated so much with much of what Terence said about ideas and process. Very inspiring.

  4. Beth McBride /// 10.11.2016 /// 12:08pm

    This podcast meant so much to me. As an artist with rheumatoid arthritis it was so encouraging and inspiring to hear about both your struggles with arthritis and the art making process. I love collage and I can relate to the fact that sometimes even scissors feel overwhelming, but also agree that not making things never feels like an option. I also had to laugh at Terrence’s aversion to his epi-pen injections. I use one once a week as well and I always have to get my husband to give it to me because I can never bear to depress the button myself. And sugar is always a huge trigger for me–but somehow always seems worth it at the time. Thanks again for sharing your stories, your beautiful work, for these podcasts and your blog. Many times they end up being like artist therapy for me. Blessings to both of you in your future and art making!

  5. the jealous curator /// 10.11.2016 /// 8:38pm

    thanks so much beth… and i’m sorry you’re stuck with arthritis too. but yes, terrence was a huge inspiration for me when i first met him. i had just been diagnosed and was feeling a bit sorry for myself, but then i saw what he was making! no sugar def. helps me, and on the days when it sneaks in somehow, i know just to be patient and i can pick up the scissors again tomorrow 🙂 xo

  6. Tessa /// 10.12.2016 /// 4:19pm

    Hi – firstly (before my gripe) i LOVE you and all that you do. BUT, I am trying so so hard to get your free audio book. But the link just doesn’t seem to work, I have signed up and logged in and searched (and found) your book – but it wants me to pay $14.95 a month in order to get it free??? anyone else having this problem? Is it because I am in NZ? I used the link in the bottom of Terrence’s article xx

  7. the jealous curator /// 10.13.2016 /// 7:55am

    that’s weird?! you should get the first month for free (and then you can cancel the subscription if you want to so you don’t pay $14.95 the following month). should have nothing to do with nz.

  8. Elissa S Nesheim /// 10.16.2016 /// 11:03am

    how fun! I grew up in South Dakota and have lots of family in Minneapolis. Loved this interview!! I will have to check out this gallery next time I’m in town. thank you!!

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