jennifer davis


Ok, I’ll be honest… I’ve been wanting to show some of Minneapolis based artist Jennifer Davis’ new work for months, but I’ve been holding out until I can get her on the podcast. Well, I hate to admit it, but I still can’t break her! Don’t worry I’m not giving up… did you hear that, Jen? Not. Giving. Up ; )  In the meantime, I just cannot wait any more and have to post these gorgeous portraits! There. I feel better now. Happy Friday.

{Most of Jennifer’s work is available in her online shop}

comments (2)

  1. Rose Lemonade /// 08.05.2016 /// 1:10pm

    Oh my gosh I love her so much. I need to save my pennies to buy one, one day. She’s been on my painting wish list for years.

  2. Joann Tomsche /// 08.05.2016 /// 2:50pm

    Fish eyes. Love.