mie yim


Just to be clear, I hate deviled eggs. As in, HATE… until I saw this beautiful little morsel. This is the work of South Korean born, New York based Mie Yim. Tiny food drawn in pastel on Martha Stewart paint chips! LOVE. She has a delicious Instagram feed full of these yummy little things, and it was actually kind of hard not to post all of them. Yep, anyone that can make me like the look of a deviled egg is clearly very talented.

{Thanks to Jeanne Heifetz for sending me the link to Mie’s tiny work}

comments (8)

  1. Jan Little /// 06.21.2016 /// 9:31am

    Oh! These scratch an itch I didn’t even know I had. So sweet.

  2. Amy Maricle /// 06.21.2016 /// 9:57am

    These little drawings are so sensitive and lovely. Thank you for sharing her work!

  3. Berta /// 06.22.2016 /// 9:29am

    Thank you for introducing me to this artist. Her work is magical.

  4. Aaron Cunningham /// 06.22.2016 /// 11:56am

    wow, I love this too. the “Martha Stewart paint chips” sold me. 🙂

  5. Audrey Takeshta /// 06.22.2016 /// 5:22pm

    Agree! I Hate deviled eggs too…when I see them, for reals, they make me angry 🙂 Love this post

  6. the jealous curator /// 06.22.2016 /// 11:33pm

    yes! me too!!!

  7. hannah /// 06.25.2016 /// 7:49am

    Interesting! I like the waffle.

  8. Urssula /// 06.26.2016 /// 2:26am

    HeY, I’ve been following your blog for a while now. Great work!
    You should check out my friend … 🙂