megan hildebrand


Mysterious monsters hanging out in magical forests… ah yes, just another day in the Canadian woods! This is the fantastic work of British Columbia based painter Megan Hildebrand. All of these pieces {acrylic on canvas} are from her series, “Giants”… perhaps that’s because most of these pieces are at least three or four feet, or maybe it’s an ode to those hairy guys living in the trees? Either way, I’m totally in love.

comments (8)

  1. Rose Lemonade /// 06.16.2016 /// 10:58am

    I’ve had the pleasure of seeing these in person and they are wonderful!

  2. Meghan Hildebrand /// 06.16.2016 /// 2:08pm

    Thanks for the feature and kind words – much appreciated! Meghan

  3. the jealous curator /// 06.16.2016 /// 3:28pm

    of course meghan… these pieces are so so so good!

  4. Anna Rolin /// 06.16.2016 /// 7:34pm

    I HAD to post something here. Wonderful artwok.
    Beautiful and mysterious and a little bit of fairytale?

  5. Annika /// 06.17.2016 /// 4:24am

    These are absolutely fantastic! I love the magic and mystery surrounding the faces between the trees, and the colour variation is lovely too.

  6. Debbie /// 06.17.2016 /// 12:07pm

    Wow! Love all those hidden (and not so hidden faces). Brilliant work!

  7. Katie Wells /// 06.21.2016 /// 9:40am

    I love these, I want to wear them!

  8. Pattern Pulp - Friday Quick Links! /// 06.24.2016 /// 2:00pm

    […] city of Barcelona via Creative Boom 3. Mysterious monsters hanging out in magical forests via The Jealous Curator 4. Inside the studio of Bryr clogs via Honestly WTF 5.An interview with Nicholas Jones via The […]