“castle in the car”


What!? Rachel Castle? Yep! I managed to get Sydney based artist, designer, entrepreneur, lover of wiener dogs… Rachel Castle to come on the podcast. I was so excited about this because Rachel has always been a bit of a creative enigma to me. She does so much, her work is so popular, and honestly I’m kind of intimidated by her success… success that has always seemed effortless from where I’m standing. I wanted to look behind the curtain, and I did! Turns out, she’s just a normal person. Who knew?! We cover everything from our favorite TV shows to her career in PR, over to dirty words in Australia that mean something completely different in Canada… and we did all of this from her car. For real. You can listen on the player right up there, or you can subscribe on iTunes.

First up, a few of her paintings {clearly you can see I like her floral pieces}:


Ahhh! So gorgeous! These beauties sell so fast… in fact I’m not sure I’ve ever seen them without a SOLD sign underneath. Next up, you can’t talk to Rachel Castle without asking her about her felt text pieces:


Yes! From KISS to Wham to a whole bunch of bananas in between … and yes, during the speed round I asked her preference between marmite and vegemite. Vegemite, obvi. Ok, and then of course there’s everything else she does outside of the paintings and felt pieces. Bedding, pillows, towels, sculptures, tea towels, bags, sweatshirts and more. Here’s just a teeny peek:


Great, right? And yes, she clearly has a background in branding and marketing because, whoa, everything on her site looks FABULOUS!

Speaking of fabulous, here’s a look into her beautiful, messy, colorful studio {most of these photos came from her lovely instagram feed}:


Yep. Love it. And thanks to her new-ish studio out of her house, her family won’t get stuck with pins that got left behind in the couch… hopefully.

So, sweet song lyrics and romantic sayings are great… but I have to admit, I kind of like the slightly ruder ones, as does Rachel:


Turns out, not everyone agrees… not one “DOUCHE” print sold. Shame, I think it’s hilarious! And then in the speed round I just had to ask… did she have a wiener dog that looks just like mine? Yep! Granted, she calls hers a “sausage dog”, because, Australia:


So cute! Oh, and that DAMN sweatshirt… yeah, we didn’t actually talk about that, I just really want it. That’s all.

Ok, and that’s that! Thanks so much to Rachel for talking to me for an hour in a very hot car, thanks to Saatchi Art for supporting the episode, and thanks to you for listening! There will be more art for your ear next weekend! xo

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  1. Lucas Grogan
  2. Wayne White
  3. Roots


comments (8)

  1. Heidi Lanino Bilezikian /// 06.05.2016 /// 6:30am

    Absolutely LOVED this episode! Gorgeous work, and
    you both have such great voices. Thank you

  2. the jealous curator /// 06.05.2016 /// 5:32pm

    thanks heidi!

  3. Megan Carty /// 06.06.2016 /// 9:13am

    This was an awesome episode! And I’m sad the douche print didn’t sell. It’s my sort of “go-to” word. My friends joked that it would probably be my kids’ first word. LOL! Although, I say it with the words “such a” in front… 🙂

  4. Trish /// 06.06.2016 /// 11:50am

    Even though I’m a much older dinosaur than either of you my girl crush just increased 10 fold! Loved this interview!

  5. Julie /// 06.08.2016 /// 1:08am

    So lovely and funny… both of you! And beautiful work x

  6. mariángel catalina | Arts in the News /// 06.12.2016 /// 12:47pm

    […] amy santoferraro “castle in the car” […]

  7. Berta /// 06.29.2016 /// 5:18pm

    Just listened to this interview and I enjoyed every minute of it.

  8. the jealous curator /// 06.29.2016 /// 6:24pm

    thanks berta (me too!) ; )

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