stanley bielen
Perhaps it’s because we’ve been snowed in for the last three days, but oh, these paintings are calling my name! Can you smell those peonies? Ahhhh, yes. These oil paintings are the work of Stanley Bielen, a Polish painter that now lives in Philadelphia {and teaches at the Fleisher Art Memorial of the Philadelphia Museum of Art.} I do love a cozy winter fire, but oh, these have me counting the days till spring.
i love their sensitivity.
Perfect for a dreary wintery day. Thank you!
How beautiful are those? Thanks for sharing Stanley’s wonderful work.
All so beautiful. Love the richness of color and texture in each piece. The second to last painting might just be my favorite!!
counting days until spring is true! I have started that. These are beautiful and he really has a magic touch with the brush. Truely a master of less is more!
you always delight to share such lovely work. love these paintings.
My God, those colors make me twitterpated! It’s like he stuck his hand in a can of frosting and wiped those glorious, sugary blossoms all over the canvas. Talk about eye candy!