#creative UNblock no.12


December 1. Wow. We did it. An entire year full of unblocking projects! {If you missed the other projects, no problem, you can catch up right here.} I thought this was the perfect assignment to finish with… it’s from Toronto based artist Amanda Happé, the artist who painted the cover of Creative Block! This unblocking project sums up everything this year has been about for me… making lots of work, not being too precious about it, and sharing that work with others. Well, get ready, because we’re really going to share this one:


#creativeunblock // december // by amanda happé, pg.113


“I challenge you to make something and leave it somewhere public — somewhere it might be found. Something not too grand or careful, but honest and perhaps lovely. When you’re creating it, think about one person happening upon it. Make them a message. If you enjoy this feeling of caring about something without feeling precious about it, do it again. And again.”


Ok, how perfect is that for the holiday season!? When you leave your piece somewhere {exciting!}, post it to Instagram… I want to see where all of your special pieces have been left {I’ll do a big recap post in January}. Hashtag it #creativeUNblock, and as always, have fun!

*I’m in denial about this project being almost over, so instead I’ll spend this month acting like an artsy elf… yes, that might help.

comments (2)

  1. #creativeunblock – The Giveaway | purple woods /// 12.03.2015 /// 12:01am

    […] was truly inspired by the last Creative Unblock challenge by The Jealous Curator, where you have to create an art piece and then leave it […]

  2. Hallie Sawyer /// 12.04.2015 /// 11:11am

    Love this! It embodies the true nature of giving, simply for the joy it will bring to others. Can’t wait to see what comes of this. 🙂