david pirrie


Q. What is more fitting on Canada Day than paintings of Canadian mountains, by a Canadian painter?

A. Nothing.

If I have an excuse to write about the absolutely gorgeous work of David Pirrie, then I’ll take it! I have seen his paintings in person {at the Ian Tan Gallery in Vancouver} and they’re stunning… just like his majestic, mountainous, Canadian subject matter! Happy Canada Day to my fellow Canucks … I’m on my way to climb a mountain, and then I’m going to jump in a lake. Seriously.

comments (2)

  1. David Pirrie | PICDIT /// 07.01.2015 /// 10:49am

    […] (via: the jealous curator) […]

  2. Lauren Goldie /// 07.03.2015 /// 2:50am

    So beautiful, in certain photographs the images almost look digitalised! A great juxtaposition between the circular shapes of the spheres and the rigidity of the mountain scenes.
