taliah lempert


This is the lovely work of Brooklyn based artist, and devoted bike lover, Taliah Lempert. Paintings, screenprints, paper-cut pieces all beautifully expressing her love for the bicycle. I found several bits of writing on her site, all of which sounded like bike poetry to me! Here are two of my favorite snippets:

“I paint bikes that are part of someone’s life, or have been, or are intended to be. The bike they ride around, race, present themselves with.  The right bike for the right situation. It’s worn when ridden, locked, or crashed. It’s grimy, sometimes cleaned, sometimes not. How they chose it, how they use it and how they care for it. How each bike looks develops because of a person. And says a lot.”

“… I love moving through the neighborhoods, the sites and people on my way. I am as fast, often faster, than any other way around town & always more fun. It’s wonderful riding down Broadway, through Times Square and Herald square. Watching the city lights as I roll over the bridge into Brooklyn.”

Sigh. Who wants to go for a bike ride? Yep, me too.

comments (5)

  1. Lisa P /// 05.19.2015 /// 8:05am

    Oooooh these are so lovely and well-composed. I adore bicycling. I love the different mediums she uses, and how they inform each other.

    Cool event/resource: Yearly bicycle art parties, Art Crank. http://artcrank.com/

  2. Jennifer /// 05.19.2015 /// 10:13am

    Be still my beating heart! I like the way she uses color to describe the metal surfaces of the bikes. Very Wayne Thiebaud!

  3. Tom /// 05.19.2015 /// 11:10am

    Love! I am so glad you like her. She is my absolute favorite ever since Sunday Morning did a feature on her.

  4. the jealous curator /// 05.19.2015 /// 10:15pm

    oh cool! i just discovered her a few days ago… instant love!

  5. Carla /// 05.20.2015 /// 2:22am

    a painted anthropology of the bike… Lovely and interesting!

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