judith eisler


Oil paintings. What? Yes. These are oil paintings… masquerading as vintage film stills. This is the stunning work of New York based painter Judith Eisler, and this is part of her very poetic artist statement:

“Working with the pause button and a camera, I look for a precise instant that embodies an action, an emotion, and a psychological tension. Godard said ‘the cinema is truth at 24 frames per second”. I am interested in what happens when the temporality of cinema/reality is interrupted and explored with marks of paint.”

In. Awe.

{These pieces range between 2×3 feet to 4×6 feet}

comments (1)

  1. Sarina Diakos /// 05.02.2015 /// 1:20am

    Always loved Judith Eisler…these new works are great!

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