noël skrzypczak


Whoa. How’s this for a way to end the week!? These insanely colorful, dynamic, large-scale abstract paintings {synthetic polymer paint on canvas} by Canadian born, Melbourne based artist Noël Skrzypczak make my heart race! Love.

ps. It’s the last week for the March #creativeUNblock project… the April project will go up on Saturday April 4th.

comments (4)

  1. Amy Pierrson /// 03.27.2015 /// 9:02am

    These are incredible1

  2. Shane Durgee /// 03.27.2015 /// 8:17pm

    Pia Fries is getting huge now. I’m seeing her influence everywhere.

  3. Andrew Newton /// 03.29.2015 /// 11:37pm

    I think you’re drawing a long bow to say this work is influenced by Pia Fries’s Shane. Sure there are common themes – colour, poured paint, organic forms, dynamism….

  4. Kim Putnam /// 04.02.2015 /// 11:19am

    Hmmm…. I’m going to have to try this the next time I’m feeling creatively stuck! Thanks for sharing.