jealous curator collection on sebastian foster

I am incredibly proud of this collection. These are the four pieces that I curated for theΒ Jealous Curator Collection on Sebastian Foster this year! Sigh. So many gorgeous pieces… AND, I have to say, these are the nicest group of artists {ps. isn’t it kind of amazing/funny how all of their bio photos match perfectly with their work!?} They’ve been a dream to work with, and I’m so happy that I could share these pieces with you. Our goal was to bring you some very unique pieces, while keeping them very affordable… mission accomplished, yes? Anyway, I just wanted to remind you about them again. There are a few left in each edition… hopefully they’ll wind up under your Christmas tree this year!

no.1 Casey Roberts : Signed & Numbered Edition of 50 // 12″x12″ // $40
no.2 Rebecca Chaperon : Limited Edition of 66 // 8″x10″ // $25
no.3 Hsiao-Ron Cheng : Signed & Numbered Edition of 50 // 11″x14″ // $40
no.4 Brooks Salzwedel : Signed & Numbered Edition of 60 // 11″x14″ // $40

comments (9)

  1. maggie /// 12.03.2014 /// 9:56am

    It’s so cool that you get to curate for all these independent brands and such (I love your shop).


  2. the jealous curator /// 12.03.2014 /// 10:07am

    oh, thanks maggie! yes, i feel really blessed that i get to do this kind of thing! it’s so fun working with so many talented artists πŸ™‚

  3. Sandra /// 12.12.2014 /// 2:15pm

    I bought one of the Casey Roberts prints in June, and I love it. Just wanted to point out, though, that mine is numbered 49/50…and they have had them for sale 5 more months since I purchased mine. So there seems to be something inaccurate or misleading about the limited edition numbers. Doesn’t matter to me because I’m happy with the print–but it might matter to someone else.

  4. the jealous curator /// 12.12.2014 /// 4:50pm

    oh, you might have gotten the 2nd to last one then… i know that casey’s were very close to sold out!

  5. Sandra /// 12.12.2014 /// 5:05pm

    Except the run was supposed to be 40 not 50?

  6. the jealous curator /// 12.12.2014 /// 5:07pm

    yeah i just saw that… i think it was a typo on sebastian foster, and then i just copied that typo! it was meant to be 50.

  7. Sandra /// 12.12.2014 /// 5:25pm

    Says 40 here, too. Sorry, don’t mean to be a pest, it’s just not what was published from the start.

  8. the jealous curator /// 12.12.2014 /// 5:51pm

    i know i’m sorry… that was my original post, again i took the info from the seb.foster site. i’ve just emailed the gallery to find out what happened. pretty sure it was meant to be 50 prints at $40 but it got typed up as 40 at $40 (too many 40s!) … glad it was only off by 10, not 100! πŸ™‚

  9. Lora Northway /// 12.16.2014 /// 9:37am

    YAY! Sebastian Foster is a great gallery; I admired your selection as soon as I saw it go up. So happy to be a part of their roster of artists, as one of the 3 Canadians they carry πŸ™‚ xo-Lora