Yesterday I featured a molecular biologist turned painter… and today I give you mixed media on handmade Abaca paper by New York based artist Karen Margolis:
After receiving her BS in Psychology from Colorado State University, Margolis continued her research in Neural Psychology while studying portraiture at the Art Student’s League. She furthered her studies in art at Parsons School of Design and the School of Visual Arts. During a Microscopy course at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, through the New York Microscopical Society, Margolis was inspired to diverge from her investigations of figurative art to create work exploring the universality of macro/micro patterns.
Ah, yes. That explains it.
Love it!!
And you know the cliché that never the twain of art and science shall meet? So many Americans believe that, at any rate, and are still surprised when it turns out not to be true. All my life I’ve noticed that the two fascinations reside in the same person OFTEN (myself and my dad included), and also very frequently within families that harbor both artists and scientists either within or among close generations.
Mmm, benzene rings and fractals and things. 😀
As a biologist i would love to have one of these on my walls. I love the colours, the texture, the patterns, the disorder in the order, … Great work!
Love it! I’m stealing this post from you 😉 I will put it on my website But that’s in Dutch unfortunately.