pawel przewlocki

Um. These are paintings. Really, really perfect PAINTINGS. Acrylic on panel. Ah-mazing. They are the work of Polish born, Boston based artist Pawel Przewlocki, and they have officially broken my brain…. so many perfect gradations of color, and oh, so many perfect lines. {insert audible exhale here}

comments (3)

  1. maggie /// 11.18.2014 /// 11:15am

    Holy cow, those are paintings???? Amazing find! The gradients are so so dreamy.


  2. Nicky Whitehead /// 11.19.2014 /// 8:29am

    I’m sceptical, they’re just too perfect…

  3. Pawel Przewlocki | Diskursdisko /// 11.20.2014 /// 6:28am

    […] The Jealous Curator) Vincent Wilkie hat diesen tollen Beitrag verfasst. In seiner Freizeit ist er Musiker, Webdesigner […]

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