mac conner
New York based illustrator, Mac Conner has a show currently hanging at the Museum of the City of New York. His work was a staple in magazines like The Saturday Evening Post and McCall’s, and in ads for General Motors and United Airlines just to name few… an illustrator who was truly part of the Mad Men era… and now, at age 100 (100!?) he finally has his own, long overdue, solo show featuring decades worth of his work. If you’re in New York between now and January 19, 2015 you really should go and see these beauties in person… I know I will!
{Thanks to GregoryWest for pointing me to this fantastic story}

You always such great art! I love pinning it all! Thanks.
always happy to share, thanks TJC!
magic. so sorry i can’t just stop by and go have a look… thxs, n♥
Yes! I am totally planning a trip to the Upper Upper East Side just for this, and also stopping at the Jewish Museum to check out the Lee Krasner show on the way.