katie efstathiou

Aren’t these fantastic?! Such a unique take on landscape photography… but how did Montana based artist Katie Efstathiou get way up there to create her “Distancing” series? Well, that’s where it gets even more fantastic:

“The distance between a photographer and their camera is often only a couple of inches. It is that relationship that creates a thoughtful image. Imagine distancing the photographer 300 yards up and away from their camera. Careful composition turns into embracing abstraction. By attaching a camera to a remote control helicopter I have viewed the earth’s textured surface in a new way, but not without a challenge. I cannot see what the camera sees. I cannot be near my camera. I merely steer it over the landscape, hoping to capture details that would not otherwise be seen. I have allowed the viewer to feel this relationship by using halftone screen-printing. By distancing yourself from each print you can experience the abstraction the camera sees as it moves up. The further away you are from the print the more the image makes sense.”

Love! {Thanks to Alethea  for sending me a link to Katie’s work.}

comments (2)

  1. maggie /// 10.08.2014 /// 9:27am

    What a cool process! I wonder how many shots it takes her to get “the one” that works for her.


  2. the jealous curator /// 10.08.2014 /// 11:39am

    i was thinking exactly the same thing!

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