Whoa… I get nervous when I’m faced with a blank canvas – this is certainly a step up from that! This project is from 2012, but I just found it last week… clearly, I had to write about! This is the work of Alex Brewer, also known as HENSE. It was a private commission, in South West Washington DC, that transformed this old church into a piece of contemporary art. Boy oh boy… this would have been fun!

comments (9)

  1. Audrey /// 09.26.2014 /// 4:36am

    Seriously THIS is why I follow your blog. I have found so many wonderful artists through this site. Love!

  2. Rachaeldaisy /// 09.26.2014 /// 11:53am

    It just makes me happy to know there is such a beautifully painted building adding colour to the world.

  3. Tricia /// 09.27.2014 /// 11:05am

    Wow, that color is so beautiful. Adding this to my must see list whenever I get to DC for a visit.

  4. Vicky /// 09.29.2014 /// 12:09am

    Stunning use of colour! This has (quite literally!) brightened up my day. Thanks so much for sharing! 🙂

  5. C. Loudnine /// 09.29.2014 /// 6:17pm

    Heaven forbid, someone doesn’t love this mess…comment removed.

  6. the jealous curator /// 09.30.2014 /// 8:56am

    yes. comment removed. i’m sorry, but when the comments are rude, or insulting to the artist i remove them. this is my space, and i’m not interested in negative feedback.

  7. From Old Church To Contemporary Art by HENSE | The Dancing Rest /// 10.01.2014 /// 2:11am

    […] [theJealousCurator] Share this:Share on […]

  8. Amanda /// 10.01.2014 /// 7:39am

    I used to work at a school right down the street from this! I was so happy to stumble on it on day! Worth a trip to this and other DC murals!

  9. Daniel from DIY Planet /// 11.06.2014 /// 11:57am

    I really like artists who turn to street art for professional use. I mean there are so many talented artists out there on the streets who have all the imagination and creativity in the world, but yet they are limited to graffiti. Not that it’s such a limitation but imagine if they’re given the platform – then they’ll achieve a lot, like what they did with this church. Contemporary art at its finest.

    By the way, click on my name to see my latest post on using bright colours for your home’s décor. Yellow, green, and red can be implemented really well if used right.