tonya corkey

LINT. These gorgeous portraits are made with lint. On canvas. For real. I thought I should just mention that out of the gate, before I started talking about these fantastic, blurred/mirrored portraits by Toronto based artist Tonya Corkey. They are from her incredibly beautiful/linty series titled See you in the future. Now, you’re probably wondering, “why lint?”, “what’s it all about?”… well, wonder no more:

“Being within the discourse of painting, craft and photography, my work investigates an unavoidable aspect of human nature, the desire to seek memories.  The series, “See You In the Future.” investigates the role that the photograph’s referent plays in memory and its loss over time.

My work hybridizes the discarded material of lint with the second hand image – the iconic school photograph – to conceptualize my interests. Materiality conceptually layers the work. As a byproduct of society, lint consists of fibers, hair, dead skin and other debris, and thus directly referencing people and their daily activity. Lint and cast off photographs are both discarded materials – materials that reflect the idea of a decaying memory. Our desire for memory in absence is triggered by sensations of smell and touch, a trait of my work. The void spaces of raw canvas in works such as, “Unknown #1”are intended to reflect memory, described through the standing out of key features: the eyes, mouth and hair. The viewer’s mind fills in these void spaces in the same way a photograph would.” ~ Tonya Corkey

So cool! Oh, and ps. there are also non-mirrored portraits in this series that I love just as much:


{Thanks to the Alison Milne Gallery in Toronto for pointing me to their insane list of artists!}

comments (9)

  1. Sarah Portland /// 05.19.2014 /// 8:58am

    Wow, I’d really like to know about her process! Does she create her own lint from items that she owns? Do some items produce better lint than others? What kind of adhesive works best in attaching it to the canvas? Does she utilize computer programs to get an initial mirror effect?
    This is fantastic work.

  2. maggie /// 05.19.2014 /// 11:14am

    Um, wow. That is AMAZING. And I was wondering the same thing as Sarah – how does she get the lint to stick to the canvas?

  3. danielle (aka the jealous curator) /// 05.19.2014 /// 4:33pm

    i have no idea… an artist’s secret, perhaps 😉

  4. Scott /// 05.19.2014 /// 6:55pm

    If you like her art,you might be interested in this:

  5. monday mood / aug. 25th | mode and the like /// 08.25.2014 /// 10:00am

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  6. See You In the Future by Tonya Corkey | Art Republik /// 10.31.2014 /// 6:09am

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    […] Images via The Jealous Curator […]

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