richard butler

Oh. So, so gorgeous. These haunting portraits are the work of UK born, New York based artist Richard Butler. Not all of his work features those beautifully shaped keyholes {see, I popped two of them into the middle so that you’d believe me}, but those are the pieces that I can’t seem to get enough of. Rounded crosses and florals make what could have been seen as traditional, albeit still insanely gorgeous, portraits into something very modern, and weird, and amazing! LOVE.

{ps. You might recognize Richard’s name, not only because he is an exceptional painter, but he also happens to be a rock star… for real. Remember this one? I dare you to listen to this and NOT immediately want to watch this 1980’s classic. You’re welcome.}

comments (4)

  1. maggie /// 04.10.2014 /// 8:55am

    Oh my God, I LOVE the Psychedelic Furs! I always used to listen to them with my Dad when I was a kid. Oh Richard Butler, you talented thing, you.

  2. danielle (aka the jealous curator) /// 04.10.2014 /// 9:03am

    isn’t he though! and i read a quote somewhere that he said that he thought of himself as an artist that also sings, not a singer who also makes art. i kinda love that!

  3. j.mac /// 04.10.2014 /// 10:20am

    my favorite Furs song….Dumb Waiters.
    LOVE your book!

  4. danielle (aka the jealous curator) /// 04.10.2014 /// 4:55pm

    yes, good one! and, thank you! : )

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