julian meagher

If I told you that Australian artist Julian Meagher, used to be Australian doctor Julian Meagher, would you believe me? Well, you should, because it’s true! Yep, six years ago he traded his stethoscope for a paint brush and hasn’t looked back. Bottles, boxes, and orchids all painted in the most electric of pinks and blues… gah! I don’t know about you, but the second I saw these beauties, my heart skipped a beat… [insert doctor joke here]

comments (7)

  1. Frances Marin /// 01.06.2014 /// 8:28am

    Oh! I love all the blues and whites!

  2. andreavytlacilova /// 01.06.2014 /// 8:29am

    I love those paintings! They are so neat and soft! 🙂


  3. the jealous curator /// 01.06.2014 /// 9:28am

    aren’t they gorgeous?! love love love!

  4. Brandyn | Southern Distinctions /// 01.06.2014 /// 10:46am

    Beautiful and vibrant!

  5. Rebecca Hunt /// 01.07.2014 /// 11:47am

    I love the palette, so beautiful … and yes, so soft. What makes these even more delightful is realising those boxes are beer cases! Hmmm … beer and pretty flowers! Perfection!

  6. theCORNER ♥ Julian Meagher /// 01.10.2014 /// 4:10am

    […] Constellation by Kumi Yamashita Julian Meagher Robert Kothe Jan. 10th 2014 ART Artist Julian Meagher is a doctor and a painter. Six years ago he decided to take another adventure and didn’t look back. Paintings by Julian Meagher (Via The Jealous Curator) […]

  7. Danielle /// 05.23.2014 /// 4:42pm

    I just adore Julian’s work and they are just the most MASSIVE pieces with super fine detail. Sometimes I just go to the gallery where some of his works are in the stockroom (Edwina Corlette Gallery in Brisbane) and sit in front of them to stare at!