Oh, summer… I miss you so much. Do you ever think about me? It’s going to be awhile before we see each other again, so until then I’ll just look at these gorgeous new paintings by Portland based artist Lisa Golightly ~ sigh ~ yes, these are helping. Pink skies, lazy-hazey days at the beach, and overexposed photographs to prove what a great summer it really was. Lovely.
{Good Eye Gallery included quite a few of these pieces in their pop-up show in LA, at Deasy Penner, and they’ll be up into the beginning of January. If you can’t make it into the show, you can also buy the originals through the Good Eye Gallery site. And, a few of them are available as prints through Lisa’s Etsy shop.}
Oh summer. Oh these incredible paintings.
Love it!
Thanks so much Danielle!
of course! xo