kris knight

Sigh…so many rosy cheeks… I’m feeling a little flushed myself!

This is the third time that I’ve written about Toronto based artist Kris Knight. His work is just so hauntingly beautiful that I literally cannot help myself. When I saw this body of work, titled Secrets Are Things We Grow, I was blown away. His color choices are stunning, and his subjects are so, so beautifully painted… and those delicate florals… gorgeous! Here is the description of this series:

With “Secrets Are The Things We Grow” Canadian artist Kris Knight paints a cast of characters who consciously conceal aspects of themselves from those around them. They hide truths of who they are, where they come from and whom they love. They fear shame, rejection, gossip and embarrassment. They whisper stories but never want the story to be about them. Secrets have roots, they have currency, they accumulate and grow with time; some are short lived, while others haunt generations. Knight’s character’s front, they put on airs, and they pass; some bluff while others reveal their confessions without saying a word.

comments (5)

  1. rhiannon /// 11.08.2013 /// 8:59am

    you should also be jealous of Esther Simmonds MacAdam

  2. the jealous curator /// 11.08.2013 /// 9:35am

    thanks – i’ll check her out! : )

  3. laura redburn // cardboardcities /// 11.09.2013 /// 9:59am

    YES! i love his paintings so, so much. perfect.

  4. the jealous curator /// 11.10.2013 /// 12:44am

    : )

  5. Pattern Pulp - Friday Quick Links! /// 11.15.2013 /// 1:24pm

    […] husk wreath for Thanksgiving? via Design Improvised 3. Kris Knight’s lovely paintings via The Jealous Curator 4. Curiots’ mythical beasts via Colossal 5. Robert Larson turns everyday trash into art via […]

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