i’m jealous of aganetha dyck

Ok, this might be one of the most amazing artistic collaborations I’ve ever seen… Canadian artist Aganetha Dyck, and a whole bunch of bees! I’m going to let Aganetha describe this project, because she can do a much better job than I can:

First, a clarification; I am not a beekeeper. I rent the colonies of honeybees, bee hives, and apiary space from a qualified beekeeper. All my work with honeybees is overseen by a scientist and is always completed under the direction of a beekeeper. The beekeeper takes care of the bees. I am an artist interested in environmental issues and in inter-species communication, specifically interested in the power of the small. My ongoing research asks questions regarding the ramifications all living beings would experience should honey bees disappear from earth.


To begin a collaborative project with the honeybees, I choose a slightly broken object or damaged material from a second hand market place. I choose damaged objects because honeybees are meticulous beings, they continuously mend anything around them and they do pay attention to detail. To encourage the honeybees to communicate, I strategically add wax or honey, propolis or hand-made honeycomb patterns to the objects prior to placing them into their hives. At least I like to think my methods are strategic. The honeybees often think otherwise and respond to what is placed within their hive in ways that make my mind reel.

At times, the honeybees encourage me to add or delete honeycomb after they have worked on an object. As an example, by overextending their honeycomb, the honeybees encourage me to sculpt into this mass of waxed cell construction and return it to them for further consideration.


comments (17)

  1. Jessica /// 08.26.2013 /// 9:13am

    Incredible! What a brilliant idea. I love not only the outcome but the motivation behind the project. So awesome.

  2. Ana /// 08.26.2013 /// 10:39am

    I have no words.


  3. Kari /// 08.26.2013 /// 3:07pm

    so good … love those close-ups of the honeycomb obscured faces

  4. Debi Griffin /// 08.26.2013 /// 3:19pm

    Really Fabulous!

  5. lydia see /// 08.26.2013 /// 3:53pm

    I just can’t. This is too amazing.

  6. the jealous curator /// 08.26.2013 /// 8:48pm


  7. Jörg /// 08.26.2013 /// 10:22pm

    What a fantastic idea! I just spent a few minutes figuring out how the artist might has done these fine structures of the honeycombs, until I finally read the text under these increadible pictures. I’m just fastcinated now!

  8. Rena /// 08.26.2013 /// 11:18pm

    Hi! I just found your blog yesterday and it is my favorite blog ever! I am a sixteen year old high school student, and I would like to study Art History in the future. I started an art blog just recently about Asian contemporary art (museum visits, artists etc) but it’s so hard for me to get my blog out there… I only have few readers at the moment. Would you please check out my blog and (if you had time to) i would be so happy if you could give me few tips on how to increase readers accessing my blog?? (I was trying to write an email to you but somehow the email link didn’t work for me…) http://www.dragonsintheatelier.com Thanks!!

  9. Artist Collaborates With Bees to Cover Sculptures With Honeycomb | Joindahunt. /// 08.27.2013 /// 7:54am

    […] [via] […]

  10. Sonal /// 08.27.2013 /// 2:17pm

    Oh oh oh my gosh….LOVE!!!

  11. Jo /// 08.28.2013 /// 6:36pm

    Dang! I’m an artist AND a beekeeper but it looks like someone beat me to the idea of incorporating bees into artwork before me.

  12. the jealous curator /// 08.28.2013 /// 7:51pm

    ha! well, i’m sure you can find your own creative way of doing things… painting with honey? 😉

  13. fawn /// 08.30.2013 /// 6:13pm

    This is totally wild. Doesn’t it give you sort of an uncomfortable feeling, but in a good way?

  14. the jealous curator /// 08.30.2013 /// 9:51pm


  15. Aganetha Dyck Art | In Good Company /// 08.31.2013 /// 4:02am

    […] How inspiring is her philosophy and work? To learn more, please visit her website or see what The Jealous Curator has put […]

  16. Sculptor Collaborates With Bees | MAKE /// 01.12.2014 /// 7:02am

    […] Aganetha Dyck embraces the collaborative spirit by creating these fascinating sculptures with the help of some honey bees. She also works with a qualified beekeeper to make sure that the bees are properly taken care of […]

  17. An Artist and Her Bees Create Beautiful Honeycomb-Draped Sculptures | Just A Tricks Archive /// 02.20.2014 /// 5:14pm

    […] their ordinary way. “I choose damaged objects because honeybees are meticulous beings,” she’s said. “They continuously mend anything around them and they do pay attention to […]

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