Ah, I can almost smell the salty ocean air, and taste the cotton candy! This series, titled “Jersey Shore”, might just be the perfect post for the Fourth of July… ferris wheels, boardwalks, and good friends? Yep. Perfect! This is the work of San Francisco based photographer, and self-proclaimed “analog junkie”, Christine Zona – and here’s her description of the project:
“I created this series to reclaim the innocence of the Jersey Shore. The shore that I remember as a child. This shore still exists, but recently it’s been overshadowed by the “Snookis” and the “Situations” of the world. So I headed out to Seaside Heights, Asbury Park, Point Pleasant, Belmar, and Atlantic City with my Polaroid Spectra Camera and a backpack full of expired film to capture it as I once saw it.”
Mission accomplished, Christine! And to all of my other American friends, may your weekend be filled with salty ocean air, cotton candy, ferris wheels, boardwalks, and most importantly, good friends!

Wonderful! I have always loved Polaroid color scheme, and this photos are so pretty and nostalgic.
awe i love it. feels like the jersey shore i know and love.
[…] christina zona’s photo series jersey shore is appropriately americana for this time of year (via jealous curator): […]
What I find interesting is that the quality of the photographs themselves, the old school feel she gets with the film, reminds me of my seaside childhood even though it was in Scotland. I love a bit of nostalgia. Thanks.