i’m jealous of beth hoeckel… AGAIN!

I might have to start a “Beth Hoeckel” fan club… I can already see my PRESIDENT sweatshirt… it will have meat & roses on it. I have written about Beth soooo many times because of her work, yes, but also because she does what so many of us wish we could do … she just makes and makes and makes! Yep, it’s something I admire very much in an artist – the head-down dedication to always be creating. Every time I go back to her site, there’s more, and look what I found today… Gah!!! Meat, roses, and a collection of junk food. All of it brings me pure joy. Would you like a little pure joy? Ok… every piece above {and many more on her site} are available as prints for $16. Six. Teen. Dollars. Crazy. I know.

comments (5)

  1. nick /// 06.12.2013 /// 7:17am

    THIS girl is nice: http://cargocollective.com/paulavsckz/collage

  2. Alison /// 06.12.2013 /// 8:00am

    She is great! thank you!

  3. nick /// 06.12.2013 /// 9:41am

    You welcome! Luv your blog! 🙂

  4. rebeca /// 08.23.2013 /// 5:58pm

    i love your blog. and i visit every time i see a new post from you on my side bar. you really have an eye for fun, whimsical works that inspire.

    if you ever want to be jealous of me, i would welcome it. come by for a blog visit, when yiu can . . .

  5. the jealous curator /// 08.23.2013 /// 7:55pm

    oh thanks so much rebeca! i’ll pop over and have a look at your work – thanks for the invite : )