i’m jealous of dominique fortin

The first three words that pop into my mind – strange, childhood, dreamy/nightmarey. Ok, that was technically four words, but I couldn’t just leave it at dreamy… these scare me just a tiny bit. And I like it.  This is the beautifully bizarre work of Montreal based artist Dominique Fortin. Ok, I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again… a finished face, and an unfinished everything else is pure magic to me… and don’t even get me started on those fire breathing dogs on paint brush stilts. M.A.G.I.C.

{ps. I featured more of Dominique’s work in my ART GOES HERE post, that just went up today, over at sfgirlbybay}

comments (6)

  1. Melanie /// 04.03.2013 /// 7:25am

    the faces! they’re haunting! i love this. thank you for existing. xo

  2. Daughter Earth /// 04.03.2013 /// 8:14am

    these are great.

  3. Zia Daugherty /// 04.03.2013 /// 1:59pm

    I love the imagery! So dream-like… Very nice!

  4. Kari /// 04.03.2013 /// 2:53pm

    those faces with those bodies! amazing!

  5. Pattern Pulp - Friday Quick Links! /// 04.05.2013 /// 1:01pm

    […] manipulation of maps via Trendland 9. Dominique Fortin’s beautifully bizarre artwork via The Jealous Curator 10. Folding screens up any pattern lovers alley via design-milk 11. Make yourself a braided […]

  6. Arlene Copland /// 12.29.2014 /// 7:59am

    I love Dominique’s work and I am a proud owner of one of her paintings.

    If you enjoy the “finished face and unfinished everything else” you should check out the works of Hamilton artist Richard Cook!

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