i’m jealous of mathilde roussel

Ok, I’ll be honest. At first glance, this installation made me a bit uncomfortable … perhaps it was the yellow powdered sperm, and the large bottle of blood. However, on further inspection {and just a tiny bit of reading}, I think you’ll find that it’s actually a lovely, thoughtful, and very clever piece that compares the natural world to the human body. This is the work of Paris based artist Mathilde Roussel, and it is titled echology:

“Dew, milk, pollen, sap, branches, grass, bark, etched glass jars.
Resonances between human body and vegetal are suggested by filling with plant elements, scientifical jars labelled with human body parts. The living ingredients inside the jars change and metamorphose though time.”

{Exhibited at Anatomia Botanica, Cheekwood Botanical Garden & Museum of Art, Nashville, US.}

Ah… yellow pollen, and a large bottle of sap. Phew.

comments (6)

  1. Michele /// 02.15.2013 /// 5:47pm

    purely beautiful.

  2. Zia Daugherty /// 02.16.2013 /// 5:42am

    I got the same feeling at first! Haha. Very beautiful! I love to think of trees as being not so different from us…

  3. Tracey /// 02.16.2013 /// 10:52am

    ahhhh, simplicity….

  4. Geraldine /// 02.17.2013 /// 6:59am

    It does have an effect even through pictures, loved the poetry when discovered.
    Nice blog, thank you!

  5. heathernoye /// 02.19.2013 /// 8:17am

    the yellow sperm gave me a start… but by the time i got to bones, hair and skin, i got it without the tiny bit of reading. quite clever!

  6. the jealous curator /// 02.19.2013 /// 8:22am

    i got the pollen, but i couldn’t figure out what the ‘blood’ was… i needed the tiny bit of reading! ; )

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