i’m jealous of seonna hong… again

I wrote about Seonna Hong in 2009… and when I saw this new series, clearly, I had to write about her again! I absolutely love the way her work has evolved – still totally recognizable as hers, but these lovely pieces {on paint chips!} are so much looser, and less controlled. Don’t get me wrong, I love her older paintings too, but I’m always so impressed with artists that can push themselves out of their comfort zone, while still being true to their style. Love.

comments (3)

  1. Ana /// 02.11.2013 /// 8:18am

    These are so complex in their seeming simplicity. Wonderful!

  2. Zia Daugherty /// 02.11.2013 /// 4:39pm

    I love it! I love the bright, simple strokes. How wonderful. : )

  3. Paintings on paint chips by Seonna Hong « Made In Slant /// 02.16.2013 /// 12:56pm

    […] (jealouscurator) […]

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