i’m jealous of laurent chéhère
Gasp! I love these, very, very, very much. All of these dreamy images are from a series, titled “Flying Houses”, by French photographer Laurent Chéhère. {If you happened to be in Paris last fall, you might have seen them on display at Galerie Paris-Beijing – I wish I had been in Paris to see these last fall!} Laurent is an award-winning advertising photographer, who left it all behind to travel the world and pursue his personal work – pulling up roots, and flying off to see the world… hm.
{via Colossal}

Perfect. Uplifting images for a grey PNW day. Gracias!
wow 🙂 nice
Love seeing these on your site! The flying tent & camper are my faves. Really inspired work.
I found these the other day, too! They are amazing! Makes me want to float away.
I enjoy the whimsy of these images, but there’s something more to them than just that. It’s going to take a little time to put thoughts into words, but I think there’s something about isolation, adventure, magic, and sadness in them.
So lovely; I like that they are flying by the electrical wires. Thanks for sharing.
Waou ! Very impressive. I like it !!!
Love how the work ranges from the mundane to colourful to decayed to chaos – amazing reintrepretation of the “mobile home” 🙂 BTW looking forward to your panel at Alt Summit!
Incredible work, thank you for sharing !
Like the flying tent… reminds me circus…dreamy pastel shades – great work. Thanks for sharing!
LOVE these. especially the one with the laundry hanging underneath and the burning one. they do something tingly to the back of my neck!
… probably the same thing they do to my arms!
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These are absolutely gorgeous and so whimsical. Just found you via Pinterest! Love your blog.
thanks jane! : )
spectacular images!
There’s a person on the tent! !!! Upper left.
Pure cotton testing center apparel may well also be degraded by just acids however , additionally immune to most organically produced solvents.
Would love to see my home FLY!
Bellissimi en plein aire. Complimenti ! Anch ‘io anni fa mi ero cimentata con complessi archittetonici sospesi in aria.
Vedendo i suoi mi è ritornata la voglia di rifarli, grazie.